Naturist Poetry

This first collection of poetry was written in two locations during 2013. The first section of this book contains those poems written in Mexico where I was living with my wife for three months, the typical Canadian snowbird existence which we seem to have adopted since our retirement from full time employment. The second section of the book contains those poems which were written in our home on the Canadian prairies in Saskatchewan.

Writing poetry is one thing, putting it out there for others to read is something entirely different. In presenting a poem to another person, one becomes vulnerable, exposed to the very core of one’s being. Poetry exposes the inner self, the urgings of the soul, the spirit, and the body. Ego doesn’t have as much say in any of this as it would like to claim. What arises comes from the depths of a personal unconscious, as well as the collective unconscious and the archetypal foundations of the human psyche. The poet becomes exposed and vulnerable through the poems, becomes transparent spiritually and psychologically. The masks of persona have no power with the words put onto paper. There is no hiding of who one is beneath the cultivated and conscious.

This book is available from Amazon and can only be purchased as a print book. You can find the book here.

This second collection of Naked Poetry was written in three parts, in three locations. The first part was written in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. We had rented a place called Casa Verde for a month. The second part was written in Puerto Morelos, Mexico at a place called Casa Sorpresas. The third part was written at my home in Elrose, Saskatchewan, Canada. My house is white, so the third section was appropriately named Casa Blanca.

Unlike the first book, some of the photography accompanying each poem ranges further afield and was taken by other people. Like the first book, the poetry comes from the soul, from the interior spaces that speaks of philosophy and the human psyche.

This book is available from Amazon and can only be purchased as a print book. You can find the book here.

This third collection of Naked Poetry was written in Puerto Morelos, Mexico. This third collection of naturist poetry shares the same foundation as the first two volumes; the embracing of a naturist philosophy, meditation and depth psychology. If one dares to see the physical reality of oneself, perhaps an acceptance of the truths that one finds in one’s body, it will give a person the strength and courage to look even deeper, beneath the skin, to come to terms with the authentic self that each of us keeps hidden within. Stripping away clothing is just one step, perhaps the first vital step towards becoming a whole person.

Beneath the clothing is just skin, something that all humans share. Yet we hide that basic, natural state as if our natural selves are somehow shameful, perhaps even evil. We cling desperately to clothing with the idea that our clothing defines us. Our identity is placed upon these clothes, which we wear to push others away from the vulnerable and soft center within which lays within each of us; our eternal self, our soul. None of us is able to find soul in things outside of our natural body: not in our clothing, not in our possessions, not in our work or play, not in our rituals and addictions, or in our relationships with others. We can only find our soul by daring to turn our gaze back onto ourselves and into ourselves.

This book is available from Amazon and can only be purchased as a print book. You can find the book here.