The Cold Winds are Rising

There is no way that I will venture outdoors this morning without wearing clothing. I woke up to -25 Celsius, a temperature that was made significantly colder because of wind. The “feels like” number is -34 Celsius. Thank goodness for central heating and a fireplace and a house that insulates us from the deadly weather that is waiting for us to be foolish.

The title for today’s post comes from a Game of Thrones: “The cold winds are rising, and the dead rise with them.” I didn’t watch any of the series, but I have read a few of the first books in the series, good stories in my opinion. Yes, winter weather can be a deadly affair – here and in George R.R. Martin’s novels.

Since I have to go to a dentist appointment this afternoon, I made sure to put in a shovel and a quilt in the car. I am all about being prepared, just in case.

This morning I am back writing my NaNoWriMo story which now sits at over 23,000 words this 9th day of 30 days of writing to try and reach 50,000 words. My writing buddy, Paul is breathing hard down my neck as we jockey back and forth with our numbers. He is working full time and I am retired full time so it shouldn’t be a close contest. Yet, I have this sinking feeling that he will reach that magic number before me.

Why? Well, tomorrow morning we drive to my son’s home, a six-hour drive in good driving conditions, for a long weekend of visiting with grandchildren. Writing will be on pause, well mostly. Since I usually get up an hour before everyone else, I should be able to add a few hundred words here and there. One of the reasons for making this trip in November rather than in October, is the fact that the book, Space Cadet Academy 2 wasn’t in hand in time. It’s grandson #6s birthday gift.

Now, it’s time for me to get back to the story that is impatiently waiting for my attention.

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