Well, it has been some time, and I am not too sure that this is going to survive. After all, none of the past blog sites have managed to survive. That said, I have managed to find a few old export files from last year that serve as a historical reminder of that blogging past. I am re-approaching the idea of blogging because I am a writer and a blogger. I began my first blog site in 2006, a travel blog site because I had taken a job in China as a university instructor, teaching education classes to students who were learning to be second-language teachers in China. With my background as both a second-language teacher and administrator in charge of teachers and teachers-in-training, it seemed to be the natural lateral move once I had retired from educational administration in my home province in Canada. That first blog posting site was mostly about showing images of China and my life there with my wife.
I began my first WordPress site in late 2008. Again, it was about photography to begin with and then it morphed into a psychology blog site at the beginning of the New Year in Mexico, 2009. Occasionally, a post would be naturist in content. It wasn’t until the spring of 2013 before I began to have a blog site focused on naturism. Because of my own psychological journey as a naturist, the site was continually erased over the years. So it is with a tentative hope that I once again head down this trail as a blogger.