The hardest part about being on a book-signing tour, aside from not being at home, is the waiting between events. I sleep less to begin with which adds a fair number of hours to the days. I wander more whether it be around the various guest houses or down different streets of each city. Intellectually I know that there are no changes to time which is recorded by clocks and watches. Yet, what it feels like is quite different. It doesn’t help that I somehow can’t turn on the television and get lost in whatever appears on the screen. Even Netflix fails to keep my attention. I think the coffee doesn’t help either.
I do know a way to pass the time away that resonates within me, and that is being outside in the sunshine, preferably in a nature setting. Of course, the weather has to be cooperative and the timing needs to be precise when one finds oneself in a bustling city. On days such as today, when the temperature is only 8 degrees Celsius, I take advantage of the sunshine that pours in a window. Somehow, the sunshine seems to stop time and allow me to be fully in the now. There are no thoughts about books sold or not sold, no worries about the long drives to come – nor about people. It becomes a matter of myself, my body, and a spirit that is at peace. A side benefit is the fact that my body and mind recharge enough to allow me to be fully present when I finally head off to the next book store.
And yes, I likely need a hair cut. One is planned later this month before we fly off to Paris and a six-week wandering adventure that is sure to result in another book.
Very happy for you, Robert, that you have found Air-b’n’bs where you can remain naked as you enjoy your morning coffee and sit in silence with the rising sun. To be deprived of the naked time would be pretty distressing to me: you appear to have negotiated that quite successfully! Thanks for the photos.
I am indeed very fortunate, Allen. There is no sunshine this morning [Sunday], but I am still able to be au naturel in the house drinking coffee while I catch up on social media in this Airbnb house. I imagine it would be different if the owner were in the house. The stars somehow aligned.
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