It is morning here in a small town on the Canadian prairies. I woke up early, as usual. It is 11 Celsius [almost 52 Fahrenheit] and the wind is from the south at 20+ km/hr. It is supposed to go up to 30 degrees Celsius by this afternoon. I just checked and the temperatures in Madrid for the four days we will be there are forecast for highs of 27 and lows of 14. It sounds perfect!
I have one more morning to have coffee on my back deck before I leave my home for the next six plus weeks. It is a quiet Sunday morning with a few birds appearing to break the silence. My wife and I cherish these moments, these mornings when the temperature is just warm enough [read at least 10 Celsius] to invite us to have our coffee outdoors.
As we looked around our yard, we talked about the day’s plans to put away those things that will be stored until sometime next April. Then we talked about having the right connectors to charge our electronics on the plane and in Europe. Of course, I had all of those connectors already packed with easy access.
I am writing this while she is on the phone — well, audio Messenger. Yesterday, we cleaned up the garden with me helping to prepare the carrots and beets for storage. We left one row of carrots in the garden until our return in October. It’s an experiment with the idea of having those carrots better able to be stored until the end of March when we return from Mexico.
In a couple of hours, we will be having grandson number two and his wife at our place for a pancake brunch. It’s his favourite. All leftover pancakes will be taken to their place. Now, it is all about waiting . . .